

Automobile Association: Automobile production capacity far exceeds market demand(2)

Automobile Association: Automobile production capacity far exceeds market demand(2)

He believes that the development of China's auto industry from the point of view, it can be mixed, full of challenges. First, the development of automobile environmental protection, transportation, energy, bring great pressure on the purchase, limit line

Automobile Association: Automobile production capacity far exceeds market demand(1)

Automobile Association: Automobile production capacity far exceeds market demand(1)

He Liming, president of China Automobile Circulation Association, held a speech at the annual meeting of China's automobile industry in 2013. He said that the domestic automobile market started to pick up in the first two years this year and entered a stage of steady and rational growth. However, due to automobile production capacity greater than demand, the domestic auto market in the next few years can not be too optimistic.

Analysis on Production and Sales of Automobile Industry in Oct

Analysis on Production and Sales of Automobile Industry in Oct

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers statistical analysis, in October 2013, automobile production and sales decreased slightly from last month, year on year was rapid growth, including passenger car performance was better than commercial vehicles. From January to October,

Analysis of Production and Sales of Sub - categories of Passenger Cars in January, 2014

Analysis of Production and Sales of Sub - categories of Passenger Cars in January, 2014

According to statistics from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in January 2014, the output of basic passenger cars and SUVs decreased slightly compared with the previous month in the main varieties of passenger cars, The sales volume of the basic passenger car (passenger car) decreased slightly, the sales volume increased slightly, and the other varieties showed a rapid growth. Compared with the same period of last year, the production and sales of cross-type passenger cars decreased obviously, increase.